Keeps your space healthy:
Regular, thorough dusting removes dust not only from surfaces, but also from the air. Our cleaning technicians use soft microfiber cloths to trap and remove dust from furniture surfaces, rather than kick it up into the air. Regular vacuuming of carpeted areas also removes dust and pet dander from your home and keeps it from being kicked into the air.
You have less work to do in between cleanings than monthly service:
Weekly / Biweekly cleanings are great at keeping common household soils like soap scum and grease from building up in your bathrooms and kitchen, without you having to scrub out the tubs or scour the stovetop in between. Monthly cleaning services, on the other hand, often require a little bit more elbow grease on your part in between cleanings–no matter how clean your home.
It’s the perfect form of self-care:
Hiring a weekly house cleaning service is like giving yourself a present over and over again every week. It’s the ultimate version of self-care. You get to experience the peace of mind you receive when you come home to a clean house, you take one thing off of your too-full to-do list, and you create a clean home, free of visual clutter.
Request a quote today and let us help you with weekly or bi-weekly house cleanings so you have the time you need to do what you love most.