Making an effort to maintain your facility clean in between professional cleanings is essential to keeping yourself and your staff safe. Once the cleaning crew has finished their job, and you won’t see them again for the next 2 weeks. It is up to you to do your best in maintaining a clean and safe environment.
Although you don’t have to do a cleaning as deep as the one done by the cleaning crew, you can take small precautions such as:
- Making sure that all trash goes in trash bins and that they are disposed of at the end of each day
- Making sure that employees wipe down their own desks and tables each day after work, to avoid dirt and germ build up
- Using disinfectant sprays in common areas to make sure exposure to germs that can cause covid-19 are brought down to a minimum
- Make sure employees and staff are not bringing food into areas where food shouldn’t be. Instead making sure food is only kept in certain areas such as break rooms
- Don’t use sticky or bad solutions to try and clean surfaces yourself. This will only make it more difficult for the cleaning crew
These are only a few of the things that you can do to help maintain your facility clean during times the cleaning crew is not around. You not only help keep yourself and staff safe, but also allow for the cleaning crews to be able to do their jobs more effectively when they do come around to your office / facility.